Saturday, 29 December 2007

Becca's Back In Town!

Christmas - the season that we all build up to and then just like that its over again!

But as Sarah reminded me in her preach a couple of weeks ago in church - we are in the season of Advent!!! We are awaiting the second coming! We celebrate that Jesus was born! We await Easter - when we will look to His death and resurrection! And in the mean time - our lives are building up to that day when Jesus will come again! So we advent - we are waiting for Him to come again!

Christmas is an interesting time for me. I think except for when I was younger - Christmas has always been a strange time of year. I was actually reflecting on it whilst with the family - just ...I dont know know really but something always seems to crop up - or I just seem to, well think deeply about things when it is the Christmas season.

Im now back at the house of 22. On the train home I was thinking how this year will pan out - I dont know! What I do know is that I have 13 and half weeks left on placement which inside im so looking forward to being over - but I cant hep but think, that really I should be embracing the whole experience rather than wishing it to be over. I just guess that at the end of the day - is what I am doing on placement really what I want to go into. This new year - haha Im going to try and make a resolution. Not about giving up chocolate, going on a diet, or whatever the "usual" things are... but I am trying to give work my all, and my best - and to try and remember that utimately all work is for the Lord. I think I shall write that out and stick it on my computer - a daily reminder to me. I mean...ok so I may not be embracing the whole work thing - but I am there for another 13 and half weeks - I might as well try and make the most of it....
Oh Lord - please help me! lol

So getting back to Christmas - it was great to have 2 christmases!!! Weird to spend it with my family in a different place - but it was nice to see ma and pa again and watch lots of tv!
Doctor Who was among the best of the tv! I mean David Tennant on Christmas day - can't really ask for more to be honest! lol!!!
Actuallly I think the highlight of my Christmas with the family was actually going to church Christmas morning and getting to know the new church family that I am now apart of - even though it is only very slightly. They are a really lovely bunch of people! And it is good to be getting to know them!
So looking back on the time that we shared - it was a good one.
And now I look forward to the New Year - and what it brings....especially what happens after my weeks on placement are over.

What will I be doing?!
Travelling (please be the latter!!!!) lol
Where will I be?

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Holidays Are Coming!

So.....Ive broken up from work for the Christmas holiday! woop! **so excited**
And what did I do on my last day - lol lick lots of envelopes...nice!

It has been a fun old week!
Seeing The Golden Compass with friends - it was really good - and although they did miss the end out - i await the next movie for it to continue! Anyway how can one not like the film with a certain mr Daniel Craig in it! So I really need to read the rest of the series of the books!!

Seeing Hairspray on Tuesday - man it was soooooooooooo awesome! I LOVED it! It is a-ma-zing!!!!!!!!! I would so want to be on that stage ...and Seaweed - was pretty fine! hehehe It was really nice to go out with all the guys from work and have some fun! =D

Seeing Laura at St Pancras Station - it is favourite station! "Meet Me At St Pancras!" Oh someone please do - it is an amazing place. I just love it!

Visiting Nanny which was lovely and she cooked a really nice dinner for me!

And so comes Christmas! Really looking forward to it. Christmas comes early to the Bennett household! Tomorrow we have a party!!! Its going to be really fun. And then on Saturday we (the sister and I) travel to visit the parents for Christmas.

So that is my Christmas!

I wish EVERYONE a very Merry Christmas!!!!



Monday, 17 December 2007

The Golden Compass

Ok, so - as a stand alone film - I enjoyed it! Was a good film!!! comparison to the book - wha???????
Why make a movie about a book and then - wel just forget to put the end in!

So I was disappointed with the movie - and I am soooo reading the book again!

Oh and p.s. - bring on Christmas - I am sooooo excited! =D

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Open Sky

...And like the hope
That's come my way
And turns me round
To face the sky
The rhythm of this world
This gift of life
The essence that can never die

"Open Sky" Iona
Such a beautiful song, and beautiful lyrics.
Made me smile =)

Monday, 26 November 2007

Love Life

Right at this moment in time - I LOVE life!
I really do.
You know when you just feel happy, have that smile on your face and just really - despite everything that could make you feel unhappy - you just feel the opposite. Well that is how I feel today!!!

So that is just what I wanted to share.

Be blessed =)!

Wednesday, 14 November 2007


So, a while back - in one of my previous blogs that I had (which now has cease to exist) I talked about "When's It My Turn?"
I kept seeing people falling in love, so many couples together - so many friends had, what I didnt have.
And so I went on a bit of a moan, you know how it goes...I really wanted someone in my life, someone to care for, to love and to be with.
Well I can tell you that, that, has since turned around!
I really don't want anybody! well not right now...and I don't plan to in the near future...
Its funny how you can feel one thing - and then through certain experiences, and also words of wisdom - it can actually make you think again.

I have come to realise that God is most important, and until my relationship with Him is all cool, and also when i'm actually ready for a relationship, then I'm not looking for one, and I don't need one. Not until the right time. All in God's timing.
Back when I wrote that post, I was feeling quite down about it all - and since then I have, but recently I just, I dont think I really do.
I don't think personally I could cope with one at the moment! lol. I also just - if I am to be in a relationship in some point in my life - I just want it to be the way in which God intended it to be...just right =)

I went through a patch of liking someone, and I thought - oooh maybe this could be something - but like, you're like God - is this meant to be?!?! You're searching, really searching - and...some things that happen, make you think - man he could be the one! But...actually, you learn that maybe he wasnt...and he isnt, and thats cool. But throughout that time, I did not stop asking God for guidance. I would say to God, look I know I like this guy...but Lord - totally and honestly, even though it may be hard to come to terms with - if he isnt the right one then please let me know! Because firstly I so didnt want to go into a relationship that wasnt good for me, that wasnt right and also I just didnt want to go for the guy who in actual fact was "another womans guy!" (a good friend told me this a long time ago and has always been a reminder to me...)
So, yea I just kept asking and seeking God on it, even though at some points I found it hard to say - "Lord...your will, not mine "- I came to realise that I had to do this. God has my best interests right in the centre of His heart, and He has the best plans.

Its not been easy - but the more I have given it to God, I know that this has been fruitful and has helped lots and still is helping lots.

So right now - im so not interested in guys...yeesh - why was I in the first place?! haha!
Nah i'm just not ready..and until I'm ready - i just want to wait, and carry on my life, living and growing with Jesus as a single! Until I am ready to share it!

So there we go - that is what is on my heart at the moment. It hopefully made sense...oh havent I been saying that all my life! lol I may add, take away, change thinking over the course of the week,month,years...we shall see where life goes!


Saturday, 10 November 2007


Lord....what is my purpose in life????

Friday, 9 November 2007

Blogging, Blog, Blogger!

So ive added some photos to my blog! It kind of gives you an essence of me...but in pictures! I can never seem to write in an "about me" section, so I thought the best way would be to add some photos! Spice the blog up a bit!
Yes... I know...I did mention I may cut the blog - but I also may not...I am quite undecided about it.

Because, ok, I dont really like blogs - as some people will know. But at various points during the course of my life (lol) I have started them, stopped them, carried them on, set new ones actually - when I say I don't like blogs - i think the term to use, would actually be "I dont know if I like blogs!" at sometimes I like can really have a good old vent on them..let it all out, or let passers by know what your doing, let friends know what is happening in life.
But there are also reasons why I dont like them!
So....will the blog continue? I will leave it up to! It is, funnily enough, my blog! I mean, maybe the question I should ask myself is... why do I blog?! lol

At least now, if I do write in it, it looks pretty with all the piccys! hehe Tho I have to say I would love to make it look more professional. I wish I new more about websites and designing and then I could actually design a well good blog! not going to set what i'll write about, what it is for, if I'll write in it every day, or maybe once a month...maybe even just once a year!

We shall see!

Now, that really is enough talk about blogs...

Thursday, 8 November 2007

What is on the brain at the moment?

2 people - take their lives. One on the underground, one jumping off a bridge infront of a train...this i think just gets to me really does. The tears well up in my eyes - how much hurt can one go through?
Who were they? What were they like? What made them decide that life wasnt worth living anymore...was it their choice to make?

On another note - how do I deal with something that Im finding hard to deal with. I mean what have I got to do?

Work. It feels like a job. I want it to not feel like a job! I want to enjoy it - but at the moment...I dont think I really do. Being worried about all that I have to do. It is scary stuff (ok it is for me!) This week ive been feeling icky every morning - and that is defo a sign that im worried...I so want to be free from that.

What do I want to do with my life? ...Becca should you not be asking what God wants you to do with your life?

We all have a choice to make.

I really don't like blogs - and I am thinking of cutting it...its funny - because ive never been able to keep a blog going.

Christmas is coming! I am defo looking forward to that! - I thought I would end the blog on a positive and hopeful note!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Back from the chase!

Hey there folks - I am back!
I had a lovely time with the parents! The countryside is beautiful and the sunsets were gorgeous. I really did have a lovely time.
It was great to get used to the new area and meet all the friends that mum and dad have been making. The church is really nice and there are some great people there - very friendly and welcoming...and really were looking forward to meeting us (me and my sis)
So what did we do over the couple of days that we were there?
Visited a farm - they had a lovely sheepdog called Jess, and we saw some piglets and lambs! So cute!!!
Went to a jewellry party and had krispy kreme dougnuts - you so can't go wrong with that combination!
Watched Matthew Pinsents family tree programme thing, it was amazing!!! I so want to see where my family come from! Even if its not as exciting as being related to King Edward 1st! It was such an interesting programme.
Went for a nice ride round in the car - got to the beach and had a nice walk along the seafront.
Had my picture taken with a tank lol
Shopping! Bought some boots! They are cute!
And chilling, watching the box in between! lol

So overall it was a lovely time. It was quite strange to go out of an evening and having to take your torch! It really was pitch black - because obviously where thet live they have very few lamp-posts - strange!! hehe

It's nice to be back though!

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Away to the Chase!

Im going to visit my parents!
I cannot wait!
Spend some time getting to know the new area, and seeing my mummy and daddy which will be great! They really are getting on so well down there, which is awesome.
Im especially looking forward to the train journey - but hey I like trains...what can I say?
Also some new places to photograph - which i'm looking forward to . See what I can come up with

Saturday, 20 October 2007

When you see someones life...and can just totally relate to it.

You know when you just see something happening in someones life - and just totally know exactly what they are talking about...well that happened for me today!

You just - you see it and think....that was me. That really was me. Its great how in the world- you can relate to others...and in being able to do so - be able to help in some way.
To be able to talk
To listen to one another
To pray
And to ultimately know - that you are not going it alone - and actually others hae been there.

I just wanted to share that - because know what. I have come to realsise that some of the biggest issues in my life - that I have always found ever so difficult to share.....once shared - oh my life the person who is on the receiving end just totally know what your going through.!

I mean its just so fabulous that God just places these most wonderful people in our lives...and to come when you are at a time of what seems to be a weakness. The time of weakness - becomes a STRENGTH!!!!!
It is so true!

To yes - we do not go it alone. Others have been there before us. And what a release it is when we share what at the time seems so difficult.

Friday, 19 October 2007

Zero Degrees

So last night I saw the best dance performance I have seen since September this year. I know thats not a long time, but I have seen a lot in that time!!!!
I was previously talking about how from all the dance works I had been to see, nothing had grabbed me.
Well last night was the night!

Collaboration by:
Akram Khan
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
Nitin Sawhney
Antony Gormley

It was such a brilliant piece and definitley my kind of dance!
Cherkaoui was awesome - like...there isnt a way his body can't move! He was fascinating to watch - and well Kahn he's just an awesome dancer to watch as well - gives everything so much power!
And I stayed awake for the whole piece - that also tells you something! hehe

So yes. Zero Degrees was ace. A great piece with lots happening in it. Some great choreography and the music was great - I am a fan of Nitin Sawhney!
I would definitely be up for seeing that piece again...and if anyone gets the chance to - go!!!

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Meeting with the pastors

So...after work yesterday - I went to good old G-Town and met up with my pastors from my church! They invited a few of us over for dinner - which was really nice! Some actual quality time spent with the leaders of my home church. Eternity I do feel is home for me - at this moment in time any way, even though, sadly, i'm not able to go as frequently as I'd like to.
But yes - when I was told that Mark and Deb would love to have my company - I couldn't say no.
So had a nice little journey over there - and met 2 new people which was cool.
It was just nice to see them again -see whats going on in their lives and see how church is going. See whats happening. And just - for make sense!
I really love listening to Mark - he is a very cool person, and when he was talking about church and what was going on - it just made sense to me...just what they were trying to do and where they felt God taking them. Reaching the world in which we live in!
It is nice when the pastors get to know you!
I do pray that God will continue to lead them the way He wants.

On another note - I do miss G-Town. It is always nice to go back!

Friday, 12 October 2007

Dance Works

Does it work for me?!

So...Ive been to see quite a few performances recently.
Russell Maliphant and Isaac Juliens

Birmingham Royal Ballet
Robery Hylton's Swan Breaks

From watching these pieces...and a fair few throughout my dance history lol, little grabs me. For some unknown reason - it takes a lot to please me, to grab me and to make me go WOW.
I do love dancing, but I have come to notice that it does take a lot for me to like something.

But why?
I do ask myself this question - because I want to know...what is it that makes me like a dance..what gives me the excitement, passion and love for a dance work? What is it that gives it the wow factor for me?

Out of the last 4 pieces I have seen - none of them in particular have ...had a massive impact on me (maybe thats what im waiting for...something with impact)
I think the thing I have liked the most out of the 4 pieces - were Isaac Juliens video sets - the images that were shown - were AWESOME (hmm it must be the photographer in me I suppose lol)
But that has been the best part out of all of the dances.
Now this could just have been that I have just gone to see 4 pieces which happen to be - well...not my cup of tea.

However it isnt just with these 4 pieces. All throughout the time I have gone to watch performances of dance works...a lot haven't worked for me for some reason.

Coming back to the impact thing - maybe it has something to do with that.
Thinking about it - generally - things in life...also seem to have to have a big impact on me to - well...I suppose feel something. I think I am a feely type of person - if that makes sense.... I'm not sure why...but I just have to feel something about it maybe?

There have been dance works that I have thoroughly enjoyed (and I suppose I shall admit that normally it does have something to do with the accompaniment that is used which will sway me either way.) Now maybe in the eyes of a dance critic - that really shouldnt influence the sway lol. But the fact is - that it does.

I dance and have danced because of music. I LOVE music - like... it is probably one of my favourite things and passions in my life. So therefore - it makes sense for music to play an important role in the dance for me. Though you then come to the point where I ask myself (its literally popped into my head just now), is it because of the love of dance? or the love of music? ooooh that is a question!

So this has been a lovely ramble about music and dance - two of the things that are very much in my life and it will be exciting to see how God uses these from this day forward, and what other passions come my way.
Im still going to continue with going to see many performances...and maybe there will be just one that will blow me away...

Ok so...

Ive been at work now for 5 weeks!
And yes it has been getting better...the weeks are going so much quicker!
I am learning lots about work, the world in which i live - which at the moment seems to be a dancey one lol, and learning about myself. Stuff that I dont like about myself and feel I want to change, finding out what I'm good at, bad at, when I work best and when I dont, and when Im just plain scared!
On looking back - the first couple of weeks have been a hectic time..although more recently its actually been ok. The first week - I didnt like work at all and was looking for ANY reason to get out of it - though i never found a reason becuase I always went in - despite the dread. lol
I guess it was a lot to do with the "being thrown in the deep end" kind of thing that made me feel so icky about going to work every morning.
With no administrator any more, it was really me who had to take on the reigns.
However though at times I have hated it, and been in tears (yes ..even in front of my work colleages...:S - though I see this as a good thing) I do feel that it has been the best way for me to learn - to be just thrown into it and have to deal with it - to have to swim.
There are still things that i dont really like doing - one of them being the phones. I would be much happier if I knew EVERYTHING to do with the company - but as I don't it just makes it that bit harder. If i knew everything I would be fine on the phone...I have grown in confidence - that is for sure.
So all in all - Im not having the same dread for going into work. And I am enjoying aspects of it - dare I say it!
And I think that the company like having me as a placement student - well at least ...I hope they do.

So a little summary of how work has been thus far and just looking back on how it has progressed.
I hope it will continue to help me grow as a person - and just shape my character even more - for better, because I do feel that I want to grow and also just to become a better person in Jesus.
I wonder how much of my life is reflecting Jesus?!

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Meeting Melodie

So...I managed to the next train to my home!
The little jogs from one tube to another helped adn definitely were worth it for this train jouney home.
I decided to walk down the carriage - and then as you do - u decide where you are going to sit.
I sat down - and was just about to get my mp3 out and start listening. If I had have done - maybe the conversation would not have arised...since I would have been engrossed in my music.
Then the lady seated opposite me asked me what the letters USCU meant which were printed on my hoodie. I told her that it was my uni's Christian Union. Then..she asks me what I study - i told her I study dance - oh and what do you know - so does she! And she asked me if I knew of Springs - which I was like - yes! And she is also a Christian!

The lovely thing about the journey was that for once - I wasn't just sitting - travelling, in silence as many others do on my way home, but carried out a conversation which was just fascinating!... about where she was studying/teaching. She happened to be part of this awesome company - which I actually saw earlier this I had seen her dance!

We talked dance, what we were up to at the moment, God bringing us together, and we ended up exchanging numbers and email addresses. For the short 20 minute conversation - we found out a lot about each other...and it was great to talk about dance!!

I love "random meetings!" and this certainly was!
I am so glad that she just started to talk to me and that it started from there.
You never know who you might meet in this life. Who you might come across - and you do find...very often in fact - that it is a very small world we live in!

So I thank God very much for this brief encounter!

Sunday, 7 October 2007

World of Mine

Everybody wants to know exactly how it feels
To be in this place - well I dont know
I've been wondering myself
Everytime I go

I wanna tell you 'bout everything I've seen
I wanna tell you 'bout every place Ive been
I haven't even known what it means to
Walk in these shoes of mine

Standing on the corner watching as the world goes by
Sometimes I connect and sometimes I reflect and cry
I see myself in a wounded heart
All by myself in a crowded bar
To find a flicker in this fallen dark world of mine

For a moment you seem like strangers
Exchange a few words
And suddenly you share the same heartbeat
They look deep into your eyes, they ask
Does God hear me anymore
Why have I been denied

You wanna tell me 'bout every broken dream
You wanna tell me bout all the pain you've seen
You say
You havent even known what it means to walk
In these shoes of mine - but im trying.

Standing on the corner watching as the world goes by
Sometimes I connect and sometimes I reflect and cry
To see myself in a wounded heart
And be of help if I can do my part
To be a flicker in this fallen dark world of mine

by Phil Keaggy

A song which - ive literally played over and over again for the past couple of days - I just love it for some reason. So I thought I would have a space to put up the lyrics and see if I can just mull them over and get a grasp of what they mean.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Foy Vance

So a great friend of mine introduced me to the man that is Foy about a month or so ago...and well - he was right about one thing. You can't not go to a Foy Vance gig. To not go would be very terrible indeed. And yes - he would be right!

It was awesome. I really was looking forward to the gig and just experiencing Foys music live. I love the few songs that I have heard so far - and i LOVE live music! So it was a very good chance to see Foy.
It was an intimate gig which I really loved.
In the Slaughtered Lamb - which i think is quite a good name for a pub, we went downstairs, and luckily were one of the very first people to enter - meaning we (my sister and I) managed to get seats - of which, there were not many!

So... a place for Foy to perform, a few sofas, chairs, a bar and standing area - and that was about it.
And it was great - Foy is such a talented artist and the songs just really capture you, make you smile and just at that moment I did feel like i just loved life - yes, songs can have that impact on you!
Met 2 guys from Newcastle in NI which was cool. Started the conversation with - do you know about Foy Vance then? (in a great Northern Irish accent! hehe I should have had a practice with mine...but I didnt
How did I come to know about Foy - a good friend of mine Phil - from NI introduced me to his music and thats how! So yes. Turned out that both the guys were at Queens Uni - although they were on placement for the year in London. So that was cool!

The songs that Foy did - were great. He is a great guy and very funny too!
And it was nice to have a good sing song at the end.
I Still Havnet Found What Im Looking For - very true...
Followed by the great song that is "I wanna be like you" from the Jungle Book.
It was quite surreal infact - because during the song - Foy's normal singing voice - turned to that of impersonating the actual guy that sung the song. I dont know who it was, but oh was like hearing the voice, the actual voice - but seeing Foy. That was quite surreal but very very cool!

So that was my experience of the Vance that is Foy! Great stuff. Really enjoyed it.
And readers....if there is one thing you must do - it is to go and see Foy - you will really enjoy it!!!!

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Afternoon Papers

I dont often read papers. I dont buy them - so I dont read them. And well...i have to be honest - im quite ignorant about what is going on in the world...which I think - isnt so good. I think its important to know what is happening, what is going on in the world in which we live, so we know whats happening as well as being in touch with the world God created...and what we need to be praying for...

To be honest though...although the morning/evening papers which i now frequently read on the way home from work - mostly because theyre free and handed out at various places on my journey that you have to kind of get one - though I only get Lite...because its the only one that prints with ink that doesnt come off on your hands! I hate that! So I only read Lite haha...anyways...deviating a bit.
So yes where was I? yes be honest - reading the papers just makes me remember why I dont watch the news much etc - because its always so depressing! So much rubbish is going on in this world - i dont know how much one can take. Every day on the news - something about Madeline....wars, killings, and Britney .....and so much more. Its rare to have good news!

I just ...i do think it is important to know whats going on - but at the same time it just fills me with just...a real sense of sadness... and i do ask myself - do I really want to know whats going on in the world. Just thinking about it though...God does. He wants to know whats happening. He does know whats happening and He wants to so much be in people's lives and healing this world of pain and sorrow and everything else that is going on.
I guess its just knowing how to read / watch/ listen to news - and not get bogged down by it all...

I really dont like papers....but in some way - some of the articles i have been reading - have just i suppose helped me to realise a bit about what is on my heart. Teaching me - what God feels about these things and just opens my eyes to what concerns I have in particular about the world, because I feel that we do - individually - have things on our heart, something that stirs us - moves us, makes us want to act, do something, pray.

So one newspaper story I did read which had this effect on me was one about a girl who is thought to have committed suicide - on a rail track - leaving her mum and dad behind....only a week later- the mother was found dead in the same place...also thought to have commited suicide, because of the loss of her daughter. That just - it pained me so much. How much pain and suffering can one go through -, that just really - it made me think.. it made me feel - i dont even know. i much sorrow was the girl then end her much was the mother going through...? and now - the father - who once had 2 people in his life - who are now gone. ...
Why do these things happen....? Meep

Another blog of just stuff that im thinking about recently....

Monday, 24 September 2007


I want to travel.
I really do - to anywhere and everywhere - that would be awesome!
If it were possible, I would go to all the places in the world. Literally!!!
It would just be great to just visit the world - to explore places Ive never seen, and to go to those places where so often you see them on tv...but to actually experience travelling there would just be so awesome.
It has been on my heart really I think - to journey to places, and to meet a variety of people, to experience different cultures. That would be really cool.
Quite jealous actually of a friend of mine. She's off here there and everywhere - literally!
Maybe one day!
Another thing which really is on my heart - a passion of mine is music. I love music so much - it just fills my soul and touches me. And when at the africa charity event on Sunday - one of the guys introducing the next item mentioned that one of the things that unites us as people all over the world is music - i was like - wooo!!
It spoke to me.
I dont think God gives us passions about things and intends for us not to use them.
I love music, and I love to sing. I love to dance and I really would like to travel around the world, see whats out there and whats happening. Oh and I also love photography hehe!!!
Id love to be in a band. I was watching the New Seekers last night - it was really kind of well, country - but i honestly loved it. Good old heart lifting songs. Made me smile!
So yea I thought I would just write a blog about what I love. What makes me tick - hehe! Because at the moment - being on placement now - it is making me think ...would I want to do this as a job. What do I want to do with my life? or rather....what does God want to do with my life - the latter I think being a better question.
Time will tell =)

Ohhh and guess what ... Dora just so happened to play King Without a Crown by Matisyahu, tune!!!

Saturday, 22 September 2007


this was on my 365 blog - but I thought I would move it to here!

Recently discovering that ..what goes around comes around. and ..also - things that were...arn't anymore. Can't keep living in the past ...things change and move on. I think ive expressed these comments in previous posts - that...or i just keep thinking them! Its just to remind me that things do change - whether we want them to or not - and we cant get stuck in that moment. It was good while it lasted. Smile - because it did happen! But now that its changed - dont mope...dont be dis-heartened..dont be sad...dont regret and dont be disappointed!
Be happy - because the God ...the God of all creation - has it under control! And He knows best =)
Let it be

Friday, 21 September 2007

First Post!

So - what is happening here then???

Stuff will follow!

I thought Id start a new blog - my 365 one im kind of - well....going off in tangents - from writing a "true" 365 blog lol - though Im not sure if there is a "true" 365 blog! It has. From where it first started and now where it is ..i want it to get back to being something more simple...and quick to read - giving the essence of my day and what I have God to thank for, for each day. The good points about each day.
I just read a blog randomly by someone who actually for me really pin-pointed what a 365 bog should be and what it was meant to be in the first place! So it shall commence...from this day forth, to be what it was intented to be!

So I now have created a new blog. I dont know how much I shall write on here... but I figured that in 365 I was writing more about some of the things I was maybe this blog will be a reflection of that. I dont really know ... hehe - just thoughts as and when they come...
So here it goes! We shall see where this takes us!
So keep checking here - now and again and see What Is Happening Here!

So to start the ball rolling....
I read a good blog today about endurance which I thought was very good.
With work - its been tough and it has come to the point where sometimes Ive really felt i wanted to quit. On wednesday morning I wanted to - but then that changed and at the moment I feel as though I do want to carry on. Things happen for a reason...and at the moment Im here this world of work, experiencing this for some greater purpose - a bigger and better plan for my life, which God has for me. Its easy for me to say this now...beacause I feel fine about work. However if I was at last Tuesday morning again - I dont know how easy I would find it to write this. To keep on going and running the race.
However - I do carry on. Despite the stuff that has gone on...the tough still at work! I have to try and hold onto the fact that Jesus will bring me through it.
"...and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12v1 (b)

I am...out of my comfort zone...and doing that - isnt the nicest of places to be..but I guess that through those times...we can grow more in our character...and I did say that through my placement - I wanted to grow. ha! So maybe I asked for it! lol
I just want to take say that with regards to this - this tough time...God really has placed some great people in my life to help encourage me... some non-christian,some christian..some at work and some not at work. I am so blessed to have such a great lot of friends who will listen and encourage me.
Encouragement is SUCH an important thing especially when things get tough.
So yea - thankyou guys!!!!!