Saturday, 28 March 2009

Blessings - calm in the storm

I just want to speak a word of encouragement.

I haven't had the best of weeks this week. I am thankful for things, but there are some low points and challenging points to this week.

Today I have felt quite low and sad....but in the midst of that, there comes blessing - in the form of a nice little surprises...which bless you, that keep you going and reminds you that life is not always bad...good things can come...and sometimes from places you don't expect!

It doesn't mean that the other stuff, the low points go away - but it just helps bring perspective to life, a little ray of hope - a line to hang onto, that if you hold on - all will be ok in the end....and to get through it - one needs to learn to lean on the strength of Christ and not on oneself - because you wouldn't get anywhere otherwise.

And most importantly to remember...a friend of mine said to me yesterday:
Remember you are a much loved child of God, who loves you unconditionally and cares about you and takes delight in you.

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