Saturday, 15 March 2008

What is happening here?

Well, I am typing after a loooong but great day.

It was the day of my project. The day that from November last year had been my main focus with being on placement - and its now all over! All that preparation that went into the 9 hour day is done, and I am pleased. It went really well and it was a really interesting day. Although there were a few blips, i think overall everyone enjoyed it and also found it very useful, beneficial and value for money!. I think the highlights for me was greeting everyone as they came in, listening to the Chat Show - especially Donald , he is really cool! I also liked getting to know the Steering Committee better and hanging out with them which was lots of fun, and also chatting to a few people and just seeing what they thought of the day. Feedback is so important!

So all in all the day was successful.

Just three weeks left of placement and then I'm done for another year. 3 years down and 1 more to go and how much fun will that be.

All this talk about careers made me think a little about what I want to do, and I am still none-the-wiser.

It will all become clear one day I guess.

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