Monday, 25 February 2008

Sunday was a bright day yesterday

Sunday was a great day and it was meant to be!

Decided to go to church, and funnily enough the same sunday as John decided to go as well so that was cool. Met three lovely ladies that he lives with.
Invited over for lunch with them it was so nice to be invited for lunch and chat, and get to know them! Always good with pizza around as well!

Also Sunday was a bright day because we have a house!!!!! Yay. Went to look at 2 and the first one was it, I just felt it, and funnily enough the second house that we went to see, one of the rooms had been sold already - so there we go, not a tough decision to make really. And its nice because it feels like a house, not a student house.
I am so glad to not have to worry about that - all sorted!

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