Soooo.... Right at this moment in time - I LOVE life! I really do. You know when you just feel happy, have that smile on your face and just really - despite everything that could make you feel unhappy - you just feel the opposite. Well that is how I feel today!!!
So, a while back - in one of my previous blogs that I had (which now has cease to exist) I talked about "When's It My Turn?" I kept seeing people falling in love, so many couples together - so many friends had, what I didnt have. And so I went on a bit of a moan, you know how it goes...I really wanted someone in my life, someone to care for, to love and to be with. Well I can tell you that, that, has since turned around! I really don't want anybody! well not right now...and I don't plan to in the near future... lol Its funny how you can feel one thing - and then through certain experiences, and also words of wisdom - it can actually make you think again.
I have come to realise that God is most important, and until my relationship with Him is all cool, and also when i'm actually ready for a relationship, then I'm not looking for one, and I don't need one. Not until the right time. All in God's timing. Back when I wrote that post, I was feeling quite down about it all - and since then I have, but recently I just, I dont think I really do. I don't think personally I could cope with one at the moment! lol. I also just - if I am to be in a relationship in some point in my life - I just want it to be the way in which God intended it to be...just right =)
I went through a patch of liking someone, and I thought - oooh maybe this could be something - but like, you're like God - is this meant to be?!?! You're searching, really searching - and...some things that happen, make you think - man he could be the one! But...actually, you learn that maybe he wasnt...and he isnt, and thats cool. But throughout that time, I did not stop asking God for guidance. I would say to God, look I know I like this guy...but Lord - totally and honestly, even though it may be hard to come to terms with - if he isnt the right one then please let me know! Because firstly I so didnt want to go into a relationship that wasnt good for me, that wasnt right and also I just didnt want to go for the guy who in actual fact was "another womans guy!" (a good friend told me this a long time ago and has always been a reminder to me...) So, yea I just kept asking and seeking God on it, even though at some points I found it hard to say - "Lord...your will, not mine "- I came to realise that I had to do this. God has my best interests right in the centre of His heart, and He has the best plans.
Its not been easy - but the more I have given it to God, I know that this has been fruitful and has helped lots and still is helping lots.
So right now - im so not interested in guys...yeesh - why was I in the first place?! haha! Jokes! Nah i'm just not ready..and until I'm ready - i just want to wait, and carry on my life, living and growing with Jesus as a single! Until I am ready to share it!
So there we go - that is what is on my heart at the moment. It hopefully made sense...oh havent I been saying that all my life! lol I may add, take away, change thinking over the course of the week,month,years...we shall see where life goes!
So ive added some photos to my blog! It kind of gives you an essence of me...but in pictures! I can never seem to write in an "about me" section, so I thought the best way would be to add some photos! Spice the blog up a bit! Yes... I know...I did mention I may cut the blog - but I also may not...I am quite undecided about it.
Because, ok, I dont really like blogs - as some people will know. But at various points during the course of my life (lol) I have started them, stopped them, carried them on, set new ones actually - when I say I don't like blogs - i think the term to use, would actually be "I dont know if I like blogs!" at sometimes I like can really have a good old vent on them..let it all out, or let passers by know what your doing, let friends know what is happening in life. But there are also reasons why I dont like them! So....will the blog continue? I will leave it up to! It is, funnily enough, my blog! I mean, maybe the question I should ask myself is... why do I blog?! lol
At least now, if I do write in it, it looks pretty with all the piccys! hehe Tho I have to say I would love to make it look more professional. I wish I new more about websites and designing and then I could actually design a well good blog! not going to set what i'll write about, what it is for, if I'll write in it every day, or maybe once a month...maybe even just once a year!
2 people - take their lives. One on the underground, one jumping off a bridge infront of a train...this i think just gets to me really does. The tears well up in my eyes - how much hurt can one go through? Who were they? What were they like? What made them decide that life wasnt worth living anymore...was it their choice to make? Why...?
On another note - how do I deal with something that Im finding hard to deal with. I mean what have I got to do?
Work. It feels like a job. I want it to not feel like a job! I want to enjoy it - but at the moment...I dont think I really do. Being worried about all that I have to do. It is scary stuff (ok it is for me!) This week ive been feeling icky every morning - and that is defo a sign that im worried...I so want to be free from that.
What do I want to do with my life? ...Becca should you not be asking what God wants you to do with your life?
We all have a choice to make.
I really don't like blogs - and I am thinking of cutting it...its funny - because ive never been able to keep a blog going.
Christmas is coming! I am defo looking forward to that! - I thought I would end the blog on a positive and hopeful note!
Hey there folks - I am back! I had a lovely time with the parents! The countryside is beautiful and the sunsets were gorgeous. I really did have a lovely time. It was great to get used to the new area and meet all the friends that mum and dad have been making. The church is really nice and there are some great people there - very friendly and welcoming...and really were looking forward to meeting us (me and my sis) So what did we do over the couple of days that we were there? Visited a farm - they had a lovely sheepdog called Jess, and we saw some piglets and lambs! So cute!!! Went to a jewellry party and had krispy kreme dougnuts - you so can't go wrong with that combination! Watched Matthew Pinsents family tree programme thing, it was amazing!!! I so want to see where my family come from! Even if its not as exciting as being related to King Edward 1st! It was such an interesting programme. Went for a nice ride round in the car - got to the beach and had a nice walk along the seafront. Had my picture taken with a tank lol Shopping! Bought some boots! They are cute! And chilling, watching the box in between! lol
So overall it was a lovely time. It was quite strange to go out of an evening and having to take your torch! It really was pitch black - because obviously where thet live they have very few lamp-posts - strange!! hehe