Monday 27 April 2009

Last week I just wanted to burst with Joy!

..with Joy!

So this is just something i shared on my church blog and wanted to share here too as I haven't blogged for a while!

I have to tell you, I have never quite experienced so much joy like, ever in my whole life!!! I felt like I could have burst. This beam of a smile just kept appearing on my face, and what I can only describe as waves of joy, feelings of happiness and excitement, just kept on overwhelming me....and it is just THE most amazing and incredible experience - because I actually couldn't help it! I really couldn't and wow!
I am so thankful to God, because it was just like WOW!

I am learning so much more since I actually decided to do something about my hang out times with God...reading and praying and.... I'm understanding things more, songs are beginning to mean so much more...and it's just so cool!!!
Is that cool? YES!!!! (hehe!)

An incredible week, the end of one chapter (finishing uni) and the beginning of a new one!

..and it is so true - the JOY of the Lord IS our strength!


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