Thursday, 27 September 2007

Afternoon Papers

I dont often read papers. I dont buy them - so I dont read them. And well...i have to be honest - im quite ignorant about what is going on in the world...which I think - isnt so good. I think its important to know what is happening, what is going on in the world in which we live, so we know whats happening as well as being in touch with the world God created...and what we need to be praying for...

To be honest though...although the morning/evening papers which i now frequently read on the way home from work - mostly because theyre free and handed out at various places on my journey that you have to kind of get one - though I only get Lite...because its the only one that prints with ink that doesnt come off on your hands! I hate that! So I only read Lite haha...anyways...deviating a bit.
So yes where was I? yes be honest - reading the papers just makes me remember why I dont watch the news much etc - because its always so depressing! So much rubbish is going on in this world - i dont know how much one can take. Every day on the news - something about Madeline....wars, killings, and Britney .....and so much more. Its rare to have good news!

I just ...i do think it is important to know whats going on - but at the same time it just fills me with just...a real sense of sadness... and i do ask myself - do I really want to know whats going on in the world. Just thinking about it though...God does. He wants to know whats happening. He does know whats happening and He wants to so much be in people's lives and healing this world of pain and sorrow and everything else that is going on.
I guess its just knowing how to read / watch/ listen to news - and not get bogged down by it all...

I really dont like papers....but in some way - some of the articles i have been reading - have just i suppose helped me to realise a bit about what is on my heart. Teaching me - what God feels about these things and just opens my eyes to what concerns I have in particular about the world, because I feel that we do - individually - have things on our heart, something that stirs us - moves us, makes us want to act, do something, pray.

So one newspaper story I did read which had this effect on me was one about a girl who is thought to have committed suicide - on a rail track - leaving her mum and dad behind....only a week later- the mother was found dead in the same place...also thought to have commited suicide, because of the loss of her daughter. That just - it pained me so much. How much pain and suffering can one go through -, that just really - it made me think.. it made me feel - i dont even know. i much sorrow was the girl then end her much was the mother going through...? and now - the father - who once had 2 people in his life - who are now gone. ...
Why do these things happen....? Meep

Another blog of just stuff that im thinking about recently....

Monday, 24 September 2007


I want to travel.
I really do - to anywhere and everywhere - that would be awesome!
If it were possible, I would go to all the places in the world. Literally!!!
It would just be great to just visit the world - to explore places Ive never seen, and to go to those places where so often you see them on tv...but to actually experience travelling there would just be so awesome.
It has been on my heart really I think - to journey to places, and to meet a variety of people, to experience different cultures. That would be really cool.
Quite jealous actually of a friend of mine. She's off here there and everywhere - literally!
Maybe one day!
Another thing which really is on my heart - a passion of mine is music. I love music so much - it just fills my soul and touches me. And when at the africa charity event on Sunday - one of the guys introducing the next item mentioned that one of the things that unites us as people all over the world is music - i was like - wooo!!
It spoke to me.
I dont think God gives us passions about things and intends for us not to use them.
I love music, and I love to sing. I love to dance and I really would like to travel around the world, see whats out there and whats happening. Oh and I also love photography hehe!!!
Id love to be in a band. I was watching the New Seekers last night - it was really kind of well, country - but i honestly loved it. Good old heart lifting songs. Made me smile!
So yea I thought I would just write a blog about what I love. What makes me tick - hehe! Because at the moment - being on placement now - it is making me think ...would I want to do this as a job. What do I want to do with my life? or rather....what does God want to do with my life - the latter I think being a better question.
Time will tell =)

Ohhh and guess what ... Dora just so happened to play King Without a Crown by Matisyahu, tune!!!

Saturday, 22 September 2007


this was on my 365 blog - but I thought I would move it to here!

Recently discovering that ..what goes around comes around. and ..also - things that were...arn't anymore. Can't keep living in the past ...things change and move on. I think ive expressed these comments in previous posts - that...or i just keep thinking them! Its just to remind me that things do change - whether we want them to or not - and we cant get stuck in that moment. It was good while it lasted. Smile - because it did happen! But now that its changed - dont mope...dont be dis-heartened..dont be sad...dont regret and dont be disappointed!
Be happy - because the God ...the God of all creation - has it under control! And He knows best =)
Let it be

Friday, 21 September 2007

First Post!

So - what is happening here then???

Stuff will follow!

I thought Id start a new blog - my 365 one im kind of - well....going off in tangents - from writing a "true" 365 blog lol - though Im not sure if there is a "true" 365 blog! It has. From where it first started and now where it is ..i want it to get back to being something more simple...and quick to read - giving the essence of my day and what I have God to thank for, for each day. The good points about each day.
I just read a blog randomly by someone who actually for me really pin-pointed what a 365 bog should be and what it was meant to be in the first place! So it shall commence...from this day forth, to be what it was intented to be!

So I now have created a new blog. I dont know how much I shall write on here... but I figured that in 365 I was writing more about some of the things I was maybe this blog will be a reflection of that. I dont really know ... hehe - just thoughts as and when they come...
So here it goes! We shall see where this takes us!
So keep checking here - now and again and see What Is Happening Here!

So to start the ball rolling....
I read a good blog today about endurance which I thought was very good.
With work - its been tough and it has come to the point where sometimes Ive really felt i wanted to quit. On wednesday morning I wanted to - but then that changed and at the moment I feel as though I do want to carry on. Things happen for a reason...and at the moment Im here this world of work, experiencing this for some greater purpose - a bigger and better plan for my life, which God has for me. Its easy for me to say this now...beacause I feel fine about work. However if I was at last Tuesday morning again - I dont know how easy I would find it to write this. To keep on going and running the race.
However - I do carry on. Despite the stuff that has gone on...the tough still at work! I have to try and hold onto the fact that Jesus will bring me through it.
"...and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12v1 (b)

I am...out of my comfort zone...and doing that - isnt the nicest of places to be..but I guess that through those times...we can grow more in our character...and I did say that through my placement - I wanted to grow. ha! So maybe I asked for it! lol
I just want to take say that with regards to this - this tough time...God really has placed some great people in my life to help encourage me... some non-christian,some christian..some at work and some not at work. I am so blessed to have such a great lot of friends who will listen and encourage me.
Encouragement is SUCH an important thing especially when things get tough.
So yea - thankyou guys!!!!!